Tuesday, December 28, 2010


okay so this last week has sucked~I have decided to watch myself until New Years and then have a BLAST even if that does include eating my brains out! Then first thing Monday morning...get back on the wagon. Then the kids will be back in school and I will have somewhat of a schedule:) But I do wan to touch on something tonight...
I was blog hopping and found a blog that she listed her obstacles and one of her main obstacles were her husband. I must be really LUCKY...because my husband is such a great motivator. I got some new pants for Chritsmas ( a size 12) everyone should try them-LEE Riders. (they suck you in) anyways my little 7 year old said "mom you look really cute" He is such a little designer:) and my husband said "hell she looks HOT!" He totally made my day...so I really do still want to loose weight...so Monday morning WATCH OUT!!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

can you say CRAP!

holy crap...yep that is what I feel like tonight. I weighed in on Monday and I was so good all last week, when I got on the scale-I weighed 185-thats right I have lost 10 pounds...10 freakin pounds! I was so excited...so what did I do-I started eating like shit!!! once again:( I have ate crap all this week and have gained 2 damn pounds! So maybe I won't be getting to my new goal. (in the 170's by Christmas) but I am bound and determined that I am going to be strict once again. So I will be checking in every week-it is easier for me to write in my food journal and then catch yall up once a week-my baby HATES the computer!!! So here I go again!!!!!
Talk to you soon:)